Having tried the top thirteen tubes, of this comparison:
http://www.dehavillandhifi.com/6sn7_vt.htm, I have to agree, the Tung-Sol, round plate, w/oval mica, is a beautiful, neutral, extended at both ends, with excellent sound stage and precise imaging, tube. The pair that I now have in my Carys, came out of three NOS pairs (from three different sources), however. The other four all went intermittently noisy(crackles), after less than a year, each. However; I’ll never regret the purchases. They’re that good. As some surveys mention; It’s good to mix tube iterations, even if the same brand, which retains the strengths of both, while not emphasizing any weaknesses. I’ve tried everything mentioned (the top thirteen), in various combinations. In combo, with the T-S, the best were the tall bottle, metal or black based, Sylvania 6SN7W and Ken-Rad (bottom-gettered), from the 40’s and this Sylvania:
https://tubeworldexpress.com/products/vt-231-jan-chs-6sn7gt-sylvania-1944-v1?_pos=1&_sid=79a7fa3be&_ss=r, which gives me the best mid-Bass slam, without coloring the Midrange. Those four tubes, in whatever position, offer the best sound stage, in width and depth, of any tried, in my system, not to mention, REALISM (ie: tone, dynamics, etc). I’m staying stocked up, on the others, for when I’m out of (or can’t afford) round plates. If by, "musical", you mean a warm, tubey, sound; try the other top tubes, on the above mentioned survey. They all have good presentation, but- were a bit too warm, for my taste. More opinions, which (of course) vary, per system/ear:
https://www.head-fi.org/threads/the-reference-6sn7-thread.117677/ and:
http://digitalaudiodirections.blogspot.com/2012/06/6sn7-tube-comparison-part-1.html Enjoy your journey!