Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp?

A request for recommendations by those with experience with different 6SN7 tubes.

My system so far is a Pass Labs XA25 SS Amp, and a circa 1988 Tannoy FSMs.
The speakers operate at 4 ohms with a 94 sensitivity.

The room size is medium. Acoustically well treated.

I listen at lower volumes 60-75db. Vocals mostly.

I am looking for the most musical preamp, with a remote.

Budget is $3k. Used preferred. Better value.

Not considering anything from Schiit Audio.

Considering- Supratek Chardonnay.

Any other suggestions?

Tube Ideas?

Thank you!
Try some old Red Base RCA 5692 - the very best 6SN7 there ever was. The go for about $100 on average

These are what your looking for  - just as an example - no affiliation with seller - proceed with the usual caution 

Good Listening

Today I just happened to again watch Roger Modjeski’s talk at the 2018 Burning Amp Festival. In that talk, he discusses, amongst many other topics (always coming back to the seminal RCA tube manuals), pre-amp tubes (though he was much more interested in power amp design). If you haven’t yet watched it, do yourself a huge favour and do so. You will then understand why his passing is such a loss---his knowledge of tubes and wisdom regarding designs using them was unparalleled.

If you care enough to invest a tiny amount of effort, the talk can be easily found. Go onto YouTube, search for "Roger Modjeski", and you will immediately be offered the video.

Speaking of Roger: Do you why his AudioCircle Forum was closed down? Ted Denney of Synergistic Research didn’t like Roger dissing magic fuses. Coward punk.

I own a Pass X-25 and a Supratek Sauvignon. I also have a LTA MicroZOTL Mz2 on it's way.. should be here by Saturday. In talking to Sean Casey of Zu, he also has a high regard for the Pass HPA-1. He used the XA-25 and HPA-1 together at a number of shows. It doesn't matter to me about being a Headphone amp. I have a Mytek DAC that has a volume control for the Digital side. Since you're up and down when playing LP's I figured it doesn't matter. The best preamp I've heard so far with the XA-25 is the Dodd Audio Battery unit (not the passive unit) that an audio friend of mine owns. The idea of shoving him out the door and claiming I'd never seen him before, definitely crossed my mind. If your interested in some comments/observations between the two, I'd be glad to share.

The reason I bought a MicroZOTL Mz2 is because there is a reviewer that claimed it sounded very similar to the Dodd.
How about an Aric Audio Motherlode pre-amp
You could even discuss which Brand of capacitors, Resistors and many other components if you know what you want or like