Anyone heard Underwood level1 3910 mod?

Has anyone heard the underwood mods? I am looking at getting a 3910 modded but I don't have another 2K to spend on a API etc. Underwood says $650.00 for their work.

Don't trust what vendors say or their prices. The stock tubes on Parts conextion 3910 are mediocre. Try the Mullard it will be an improvement but I agree with Dennis's comments. I run a set of affordable Siemans 6Dj8 from VTS tubes in my 3910 and they are fantastic. And yes I did have the upper bass problem you mention, until I tube rolled. One other thing to consider is that if this is a big source improvement for you do not discount the idea of having to re-position your speakers. You may have placed you speakers to make up for source problems, ie weak bass.
It appears that I have spoken too soon. My disdain for this mod has evaporated. The Mullard tubes with some burn-in time has produced a really terrific CD player. Extremely listenable with great presence. Perhaps a little warmer than the Benchmark, but it doesn't send me out of the room like the Benchmark. Thanks to all for the tube advice - especially Dsremer and Nickturner920. I'm going to call VTS today and order a pair of Siemans tubes. (Although the sweetness of these Mullards is hard to resist).