I’m not attacking you at all, sorry if it came off that way. The Heritage Foundation is not remotely a group I wish to be “informed by”. Nor is Breitbart or Fox or any other publication or group who deny facts in order to further lightly shrouded personal agendas. The Heritage Foundation was started by Joseph Coors et al and along with the National Prayer Breakfast cultists have different goals than do I.
I am not in favor of the recent tax cuts even though it benefitted me. I am in favor of fiscally responsible policies which will result in many of us here paying alot higher taxes. Somebody has to pay for the massive programs that were recently and justifiably implemented.
I’m not attacking you at all, sorry if it came off that way. The Heritage Foundation is not remotely a group I wish to be “informed by”. Nor is Breitbart or Fox or any other publication or group who deny facts in order to further lightly shrouded personal agendas. The Heritage Foundation was started by Joseph Coors et al and along with the National Prayer Breakfast cultists have different goals than do I.
I am not in favor of the recent tax cuts even though it benefitted me. I am in favor of fiscally responsible policies which will result in many of us here paying alot higher taxes. Somebody has to pay for the massive programs that were recently and justifiably implemented.