Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?
What is happening is that in the beginning it was almost all New York for cases and deaths. Now that New York is settling down and cases and deaths are going down all the places that used to have very low numbers are now blooming in cases and deaths, like roses in the spring ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒนInstead of only one epicenter we now have a whole bunch of epicenters. So, it is unlikely the numbers in the US will be going down any time real soon. This situation is developing without any opening up.ย 

Relax and have some manners. You finally repeated my prediction and explanation from a few weeks ago.

Or, should I say, bugger off, slow learner?