Audiophile Albums....Yes indeed

  Sorry. Didn't know it had been posted recently.

the "search" function has existed for a long time so as not to make mistakes
Thanks for revealing your own political leanings. We don’t care! This ISN’T a political forum, it’s about stereo equipment and music. Let’s keep it that way.

Right. So like I said this is the third time this same lame article has been posted as if its worth anyone’s time. The failing New York Times is failing precisely because they have abandoned bona fide standards of journalism in favor of pushing narrative 24/7. So let’s show just how awful this is staying just with the audio aspect of the piece.

I will for sport go by memory - and because I’m not about to go look at it again.

The piece is pure fluff with just enough detail to distract the easily distracted. Michael Fremer is in there but it seems purely to name drop as there’s nothing about him or his system really other than the speakers cost over $100k. Nothing, not even the brand, nothing about the setup. As far as the writer is concerned the record sounds good because.... well we never do learn why it sounds good.

They tell us its because it uses "mined silver" which makes me wonder just how dumb even a NYT writer has to be to think, what exactly? It grows on trees? Mined silver. If I wrote something like that in college they’d flunk me. NYT its fine.

Did you know records are made by something called "cutting"? Not cutting. Records aren’t cut. They’re made by something called "cutting" which requires scare quotes, another F as in Fail.

I’m not making this up. Go read the fluff if you can.

My favorite though is the paragraph that starts out as if its going to say records are better than... but then goes off on a tangent never letting us know. Style over substance, again and again and again.

And you guys fell for it. Discerning. Yeah. Right. As if you would know.

What a joke.
Actually the New York Times is not failing, quite the opposite.  Based on the 2019 annual report:  5M total subscriptions; $800m in digital revenue - quite impressive numbers in age where newspaper circulation has declined.  I guess the only thing I have to say about those who decry “fake news” - if you smelt it you dealt it.

I think it's hilarious that anyone would criticize a general interest article (i.e. intentionally fluff) from a massively circulated newspaper as if it were a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Audio Engineering. The target audience is just some casual reader who probably went on to read a wine review or recipe next followed by doing the crossword puzzle. Of course this is fluff and it's not disguised as anything else.  Why put so much negative passionate energy into some article written for a pedestrian audience that probably took 20 minutes to pen?  Agendas will prevail...some just can't help themselves.