What CD cleaner to use?

just wondering what people use to clean their CDs (if anything)? i've been reading online about how reviewers always use various anti-static sprays and cleaners on CDs before they listen to them, and how they make a lot of difference to the sound quality. does buying a $50 spray make that much of a difference compared to just cleaning off a CD with an optical lens cleaner?

any opinions?
I've tried a few of the products mentioned above. Some disc showed a haze a few years after treatment.
I've had fantastic results with AudioTop Digital. Clean the disc twice for better results.
Careful if you have pen'd the edges. This will remove permanent marker.
After 15 years of using this I've not seen any damage.

After all of these years, I still use a dab of Windex (original).
Never heard nor seen any damage.

Happy Listening!
The best CD cleaner is L’Art du Son i have tried many this is by far the best.
  There are cases where I use a cleaner. When I do use a cleaner, I just use a spray intended for my glasses. Otherwise, I will just rinse them under hot water , and carefully dry them off with terry cloth, from center to outer edge. Most important to me is not to make any scratches. If you do, it is better that they are radial scratches rather than circular, i.e. in line with the laser tracking the disc.