Velodyne DD Plus: New King of the Jungle?

I've had the new Velodyne DD15 Plus now for about a week. I've had and heard plenty of subs, always looking for that magical moment where you are immersed in the music in its fullest range, uninterrupted by separation and unwanted resonances. Subs are difficult to judge; it depends on how well their sound can be blended with the system in use. And there's always that artificiality of tone the listener is fearing to detect, so my expectations were tamed as I set the thing up. My gear is simple, some of it is not the finest in the world but performs amazingly well for what it is, and I've heard lots.

I set it up on a stool about 8 inches off the floor, with plenty of padding to isolate it from the wooden floor(I'm funny about isolating stuff from wooden floors but it seems to sound better). It was placed diagonally, near a corner of the room. I put on some Diana Krall and roughed dialed it in. I have to say that right out of the box, not broken in and not EQ'd yet, the DD15 Plus and walls of my listening room just disappeared and left me with my jaw in my drink. I was in the concert hall with her. This sub just may be in a league of its own.

About an hour later, my wife came home. I was playing some Allman Brothers and upon walking in she exclaimed, "Something's different; did you get something new?" I was dumbfounded. Luckily it was covered up and in the same place the old one was so she didn't see it. "What Do you mean?" I mumbled. Later I confessed to her about the purchase. When asked about the sound, she said that when she walked in (45 feet from the sub), the whole house had "an atmosphere" to it and she thought "there was a live band in the living room". Now that's music to my ears!

Even as it was with the factory settings, it would have been good enough. But of course I ran the auto EQ with the microphone, video connection to my TV played the tone sweep CD it came with.

With one push of a button on the remote the DD15 plus began listening to and adjusting itself. Five minutes later it had analyzed my main speaker's low frequency output and matched their cutoff to its own, set its low level output and frequency responses to the contours of my room, set its crossover parameters, phase and parametric filters. The result was a very flat response line across the range on my TV screen. The crossover points were showing up as little dips, varying no more than -3db. It started rolling off gradually around 160db. I could have gone further with fine tuning the EQ manually but didn't need to.

Back to Diana Krall. Same effect only this time, the whole experience was smoother and more seamless. I realized its not only that the DD Plus gets completely out of the way, but it has a very organic and natural * tonality *; significantly more "real" IMHO than any other sub I've heard. I played some rock, blues, jazz and samba with the same effect. We have an extremely versatile sub here.

I'm using it for music in my stereo system so I don't need that much power. This is way overkill. However, I did play a DVD (Wall-E) on the surround system with it in place and again, it made the room disappear and put me right there in the action, everything not being lifted out but rather enhanced with detail I've never heard before. I felt like this sub could take me anywhere sonically. And the kicker is that the volume was at about 25% of its 3000 watt capacity.

I'm running Harbeth Super HL5's and they're extremely fast, detailed speakers with tons of naturalness. The DD15 Plus kept up and possibly exceeded them in velocity. For fun, I set the crossover on the sub to its highest point (200hz) and adjusted the volume. The instruments timbre and tonality were filled in with more detail and their stage presence more placed. Wow! This is one fast sub, full of natural tonality, detail and can put you right there in the musical event.

I can't wait until it breaks in -

I look forward to other fellow AG'ers who have far more experience, different gear, more brains and better ears than I do to give their opinions on this amazing piece.



Odyssey Extreme SE monoblock amps
Odyssey Candela tube preamp with Mullard ecc82 long plates
Harbeth Super HL5 main speakers
Velodyne DD15 Plus sub
all IC's and cables custom made UP silver over OFC
custom 12 gauge pure copper wiring from meter
customized and treated listening room

David Weinhart, Weinhart Design, LA
Klaus Bunge Odyssey Audio
Alan Shaw, Harbeth Loudspeakers, UK

All are IMO, among the very best in the business and phenomenal to deal with.

Yea, two is better than one anytime.

I've had my Velodyne DD15 Plus breaking in now for a month or so, sometimes not having it on. I've positioned it so it is sitting 12" off the floor, diagonal to the room, near a corner, about 3 feet away from the walls. It fires toward the left wall, not across the floor.

In this position, the sound is dispersed very evenly. The tone is so good on this sub, I like to keep the frequency response to 120 or so, just to hear more of what it can do. In my 22' X 19' listening room, I have to keep the volume from 2 to 5 out of 100 or it becomes overwhelming with most music. For movies, I turn it up to 6 or 7. Such overkill! I'm sure the DD12 would have been just fine. Oh well, its fun to have more energy than is needed.

I've tried three different Harbeth speakers and three different Dynaudio models (including the C1's) and due to its speed, the DD15 blends in extremely well with all of them.

If anyone is trying this sub, please share your thoughts!

Yes I was comparing 2 Velo to one JL. Maybe it's not fair but that's all I have to compare. But then again the 10" Velos are much smaller than the 12" JL so I was able to place them on the front wall behind my main speakers. And from my point of view, I paid the same for the 2 Velo as I did for the 1 JL.

I have mine set up in the very same manner. Mine kicks in at 50 htz. My room is about the same size as yours.
i cannot decide...

i heard DD15 VS JL113 - JL113 is better it is just a lot faster

but my room need 2 15inches..or even 2 18 inches

for music application and main speaker is Maxx2

it does not make a total sense to have 2 JL113..from the bass driver sizes prospective , however there is more than one goner partner the JL113 with big wilson and heard soem good outcome of it

however i feel comfortable with a piar of 15 or 18inch...if the DD really as fast as the JL... then i shall go for DD plus
I have had a DD-15 for about 6 years now, with software that high-crosses down to 20 hz. I was very concerned that the new DD-15+, which is limited by the software to only high-cross down to 40 hz wouldn't work as well with my VSA VR-7se's, (which can go below 20 hz on a good day :-)) and my relatively higher-end 2-channel system.

I decided to pull the trigger anyhow and am very glad I did. The 20 vs 40 hz became a non-issue, as the new sub is even faster, deeper and more authoritative. In addition, I am getting much better room integration with the new software, although I have barely gotten my feet wet with it.

By holding onto the DD-15, an excellent sub, it opens the possibility of 2 subs at some future point if I go insane :-).

I have no agenda, have heard JL and Earthquake (although not in my system) and am actually pretty amazed the censors actually allowed audiofreakgeek, as a JL AND EARTHQUAKE DEALER, to post such an obviously promotional, self-serving and misleading post on this forum without a dealer disclaimer on 2-15-11. Going even a step further, he insinuates the OP is a dealer?? WOW. He's lost whatever credibility he may have had and the fact that he chooses to hide under a rock instead of apologizing to the forum seems to be a further indicator of character, or lack thereof. Amazing.