Suggestions for Integrated amp.

Greetings everyone.

I believe that i am ready to downsize my entire rig and have been looking at some integrated amps.
Right now I have a Krell KAV 250 A Power Amp, Classe 6L MKII,  Marantz Sa11 S1 CD, Pioneer S-2ex Loudspeakers with dedicated stands (Read TAD), Linn Axis table and miscellaneous Audioquest interconnects and Cardas Cross speaker wires, by wire.  

I don't think that I want to deal with tubes due to the hassle, heat and space in my rack is at a premium. I love the fact that the speakers are super fast and the Krell/Classe combo controls bass with aplomb. I guess that I am looking at something more romantic and definitely darker so I can listen to it for hours without fatigue.

I listened to  the Parasound Halo integrated integrated which was very nice. I also keep reading great things about the Marantz reference integrated PM11-s3.(Which would match my CD player.
 I am not sure if I really need 250 watts per channel. I once borrowed a pair of Audience SE 24 XLR and were absolutely fabulous but super expensive. I am a professional musician (pianist) and play live music constantly so I may be hard to please. I don't mind going back to tone controls since I HATE BRIGHT!!!! and I am honestly tired of the whole Hi Fi Audiophile stuff. Just want to sit down and listen to music. I do appreciate good quality but I am ready to give it all up. I don't have a dedicated listening room so that poses a problem.  Suggestions please and thanks in advance. Best wishes. 
OK, I'm gonna keep my 45-year old ARC SP-4 preamp (even through the tone circuit is shot) and my 35 year-old Adcom 535 amp.

After all, separates are better than integrated, right?
If you want to downsize, Lyngdorf 2170 or 3400 will be Dac and int amplifier.

It can also be used digital crossover for subwoofer.

Overall it sound decent at reasonable price.

Some of them are also available as used.

Thank you Thomas.  I'll look at Lyngdorf.

Anyone have any opinions on the Raven Blackhawk?