The Absolute Sound - ELAC Navis Review


Does anyone have a copy of the current issue of TAS and willing to post the review of the ELAC Navis tower speaker?  I understand there is a review in the current issue, but I'm having no luck finding a copy of the mag in all of NYC.  Thanks!
I’m having a significant issue with stereophile and absolute sound in regards to there reviews. I’ve listen to three speakers that are mediocre at best but are getting very good reviews in Publications. My experience: I owned a premier high-end audio store In the late 80s Representing products including Audio Research (delivered by Bill Johnson himself- plane), Vandersteen, Conrad Johnson, Rodgers, Quad, Linn ,etc.
Additionally from the experience gained from owning the store for 10 years, I listen to my father a Juilliard trained Jazz pianist practicing on his Steinway grand in our living room almost every day for years. I also played jazz guitar for 10 years and know something about how musical instruments sound. When I read rave reviews from those magazines on products like emerald physics, LSA and Goldenear triton loudspeakers, I question the motives of these publications, I think these reviews are based on financial or personal relationships with these vendors rather then the sonic attributes of these products. (Sorry for any typos I use speech recognition on my iPad)

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I had the elac Navis I thought they were very good until I heard the Elac vela Which was much better In almost every aspect I’ve also listened to the Revel  126Be which were absolutely destroyed by the Elac’s.I am downsize my system from Martin Logan electrostats and quad 2905 And would like a bookshelf that would have some of the same attributes of the quads. I listen primarily to jazz and would like to stay under $10,000. (Fast transient  response, resolution/detail, musicality)
I’m driving the system with a PS audio direct stream dac directly connected to a primaLuna evo 300 Power amp. I’m thinking of switching that out possibly for a pass labs 25/30.8, or possibly a benchmark power amp.