Hi Everyone can it be done?
Sorry, the answer is no. Not within your budget, and even with a bigger budget, the combination of your listening environment (Condo) and Watt 3/Puppy 2 speakers do not complement each other.
My advice is to sell the speakers and start over, or continue with what have. Don’t waste your money chasing something that’s going to be next to impossible (within your budget).
I’ve owned these speakers for almost 25 years, and 2 of those years were in a Condo. I can tell you based on my experience, you will not make the Wilson’s sing, and especially at low volume listening levels. Think of these speakers as rock monitors. The louder you listen, the better they sound. Unless you live in a condo with a basement, I would assume you are limited to speaker placement if this is an apartment style unit. Wilson speakers are very sensitive to placement within the room and you may not be able to set them up properly.
The recommendation for the Raven Nighthawk is probably one of the worst I’ve seen on these forums. It’s a 20W tube amplifier, and Wilson Audio specs the Watt3/Puppy2 as 30W minimum. Check out Terry London’s review of this amp. He states it shouldn’t be used with low impedance speakers (" The Nighthawk only produces 20 watts per channel; however, unless you have very inefficient speakers (less than four ohms nominal/lower than 85-dB efficiency")) . These speakers dip down to 1.7ohms (check the frequency range where this is happening on Stereophile - not good for your needs). I’m not saying the Raven isn’t a great amp, but with these speakers, it’s not a good match at all.
John Atkinson says " But the Puppy is definitely a woofer rather than a subwoofer, to judge by these measurements". So you won’t get much punch out of them at low listening levels.