Does the 'Buck' Start with the DAC?

Some members have expressed that the server / streaming front end is less important than the DAC.

I subscribe to the position that "Everything Matters"

As I consider front end choices, I'm trying to gauge if I should be leaning more heavily on a DAC versus a SOURCE (server / streamer).

Feedback and perspective from both camps, or any others, will be helpful. Thank you.

Please Note:  I'm not looking for validation of the position that "only the bits" matter... I accept that some believe this wholeheartedly... and that's okay by me. 
That’s spot on. I totally agree. I think of the digital chain as ONE body comprised of four elements:

1) Server 

2) Streamer 

3) DAC

4) Peripherals (power supplies, Internet transmission, cables)

Often times, two or more of these combined in one unit (I.e. DAC with a network bridge built in).

IMHO, the most important decision is on the DAC, then building around it for best synergy, and without ignoring the other three elements in the chain.

BTW @david_ten ... I was able to get an Innuos Statement for myself a month or so ago
@thyname  Congratulations on adding the Innuos Statement to your system. Would love to hear more about it's impact on sound quality and overall system performance...

FYI: I continue to be impressed (amazed) with the T+A SDV 3100 HV. I have not pulled the trigger on a server upgrade yet. 

Thanks @david_ten ! I very much enjoy the Statement.

It’s a little of long story: I had preordered the Innuos PhoenixUSB for months. When I finally received it, I was shocked how much it improved my. ZENith MK3. Then an opportunity presented itself for a used Statement 2TB in great condition at a good price, so I took it.

Perhaps this is a bit of oversimplification, but going from ZENith alone to ZENith + PhoenixUSB combo, is a bigger improvement than from that same combo to the Statement. Needless to say, this is my impression only, with my ears in my system, and considering using USB for streaming. Results may be different for those with no USB in the chain.

For me, Statement is end-game, and I am pretty sure I will not be looking for other servers AND streamers in the near future
@thyname  Check out the review [from which I am copying some information] for perspective on USB cables, in case you are still looking to optimize USB out from your Innuos Statement.
[Emphasis: "I have not heard...even two Music Servers that sound exactly the same."]

"So far, I have not heard a USB cable that sounds precisely the same as a direct Ethernet connection, or even two Music Servers that sound exactly the same. The trick is to identify what makes the music sound most convincing and involving, in other words, what will work synergistically in a given setup and choosing the cable accordingly."

- Christiaan Punter ( from his review of Pink Faun’s USB cable.