What is the best thing for me to upgrade next?

Hi all, slowly working on upgrading my system and could use some advice on where to put my money next!

I only have 1 line level audio source - a streamer and that’s probably how things will stay. I’m not interested in amassing a collection of physical media. All of my music is stored lossless on my NAS.

Here’s where my audio chain started:

Phase 0:
[Source: Sonos Connect] > [DAC: None] > [Amp: Bose Lifestyle] > [Speakers: Bose Acoustimass 3]

I recently replaced my speakers. And I’m now using an amp that I had in storage that I intend to ultimately replace.

Phase 1: (now) [Source: Sonos Connect] > [DAC: None] > [Amp: Harmon Kardon PA2000] > [Speakers: B&W 805D3]

Phase 2: (next)???

So where do you think I’ll get the most bang for my buck once I recuperate from Phase 1 and am ready to buy the next things?

Do I save up to replace my amp next? Thinking something like a McIntosh MC302

Do I put a DAC between my streamer and amp? Thinking something like a Topping D90 or something from Matrix Audio (Element X / X-Sabre Pro, etc.)

Or replace the streamer? Not sure what yet, looking at Aurender, Node 2i, Sonos Port, etc.

What are you thoughts on where I should go next once I recover from the speaker purchase?
if you seek informed responses you need to state your budget and what you hope to accomplish. I'm not being critical but your post is not specific enough.
Hi, I figured that by offering examples of what I'm looking at, that that would have helped to determine a rough range. To be more explicit given my examples:

Amp: MC302 is about 3.5-4k used, I think

DAC: D90 is around $800, X-Sabre about $2k new

Streamer: $500 (new) -$2.5k (used) depending on which ones

Although, I'm more interested in the abstract - in that general range - what am I better off getting next? DAC, amp, or streamer?
Surprised, no suggestions?

in my uneducated view - I’m thinking that the heavy hitters would probably be DAC or amp, then streamer. 
DAC is probably the least expensive thing on the list which means faster ROI, but - hypothetically speaking - I’m not sure if a better amp would have a bigger impact on the sound (albeit at a higher cost). 
Decisions, decisions!