What was in your first "real" higher end audio system?

There were "record players" and clock radios and other things that played some music...but what would you consider your first system that really started your quest for the.....ah, absolute sound?

Mine: Large double advents stacked with the top one upside down, so the tweeters were close.
A Yamana CA-1000 which I ran in Class-A most of the time.
The earliest Monster Cable speaker wire and interconnects.
A Pioneer PL-12 turntable with a M91ED cartridge/later M95ED, replaced with a Yamaha YP-800
An early Yamaha tuner, CT-800...wanted the CT-1000, but too much $ for me.
The early Advent tape player, not remembering the model.
And was hot to buy the best album pressing available,...imported, Mobile Fidelity, etc.

The upgrades came fast, Yamaha B-2, a Yamaha Pre-amp of that time.
Dahlquist DQ-10
Some Straightwire cables
A Yamaha T-1 tuner, not as good at the T-2, but not bad.
Yamaha YP-800 direct drive table with ADC XLM cart. 
Some early isolation feet?
Audio Technica Electret Condenser Headphones

As with many of you, "in for a penny, in for a pound" The audio fever has been with me since, some
pieces that were very good at a good price and some that were considered some of the best of their time.

As I told my wife at the time, "well, at least I don’t collect women".....that came later when I had more money.

Sorry for any typos

Here's what I bought in 1977: Ariston RD11S/SME3009/ MicroAcoustics2002, AGI 511 preamp, GAS Son Of Ampzilla, lnfinity Monitor 1A's with Walsh tweeters! Verion ICs and Polk Cobra Cable. For FM listening I had a Marantz 2270 receiver. And all this on an office clerk's salary!
And today I have bought most of the above all over again, plus even more vintage gear!
1979, Christmas.....I wouldn't call it higher end, but it was the first time I fell in love with home music...I was a teenage kid.
MCS 3275 Integrated with a pioneer turntable, Sanyo Tape Deck and some Altec speakers a (can not remember the ones....later purchased a pair of stand mount Boston Acoustics).  Grabbed some vinyl (Boston, Ohio Players, The Who) and was off to the races.  Remember my mother always telling me to turn it down. 
1966 -- 
Dynaco SCA-35 kit
AR turntable
AR speakers - small, but don't remember the model number
first system was a Philips portable record player back in the late 60's followed mid 70's by TRIO amp, Wharfedale Lintons and Lenco turnatble with Shure cartridge. What opened my mind and apetite for better was a Cyrus 2/PSX with TDL Studio 2 in the 80's and a Mission 775LCT tt with Nagaoka MP11 boron.