Power Conditioners

I have about $5,000 invested in  a 2 channel stereo setup. Marantz PM7000N integrated receiver, Canton Chrono SL596 speakers, Rega P6 table, blue jeans Canare 4S11 cables. Is it worth it to buy a cheap power conditioner/protector like this  https://www.musicdirect.com/power/furman-pst-8-d-digital-power-station or this  https://upscaleaudio.com/collections/power-conditioners/products/pangea-quattro-power-center

Will I be able to hear a difference/is my equipment sensitive enough to notice a difference; or will a typical surge protector suffice? Otherwise, will it be a waste of money to spend money on a low priced conditioner?

Those two are nothing more than overbuilt power strips. For not much more you could get a Synergistic Blue or Orange outlet that really would make a difference. But there's a lot of other more cost effective improvements and it would make sense to do those first. 

If you need more outlets get a cheap power strip and don't sweat that it looks like a cheap power strip. If you want better outlets go Blue or Orange. Or even better get a used Synergistic Master Coupler, there was a guy on here recently with a whole bunch of them for only $200. He may still have a few left.
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@tvad +1 Likewise, although I have only tried lower priced Furman products as a point of comparison. 

The only conditioner that has had an obvious and positive affect in my system is the AudioQuest Niagara 1200

But there's a lot of other more cost effective improvements and it would make sense to do those first.
Such as? 
Agree with others that a cheap power conditioner is probably not worth your $, and this area is very unique to each individual’s household power situation and system. I’d buy a good used conditioner you can turn around and sell for little/no loss if it doesn’t do anything for you. I’d consider getting something like a used Audience AR2P for about $350. If something at that level makes no improvement I’d sell it and put $ into something else that does. I do think it’s worth exploring though, because if it it makes an improvement it can be significant. Best of luck.