To horn or not to horn

I have never owned a horn speaker. I’m curious if there are any who are first time horn speaker owners after having owned other types of speakers for many years, and are you glad you switched?
Hopefully nobody quits if things stay civil...

while my modified Cornwall’s are gone to a buddy in the mountains, I have a bit of experience with horns and can appreciate what they get right , but I also own Vandersteen, Thiel, Apogee and Quads and find their virtues compelling and equally imperfect in other ways... unamplified acoustic instruments in reverberant space on digital and high speed tape are my Reference- enjoy the music and the journey:-)
@mrdecibel --

Did not mean to ruin and end the thread

Hardly, for the most part I see you doing the very opposite in acknowledging the aspect of subjectivity in audiophilia - through your range of experience, not least. That is, we shouldn’t avoid, less politically correct it may be, calling things by their right names; my understanding of what’s subjective implies the priority of what we choose and what constitutes our (p)reference, but that doesn’t make traits like unrestricted dynamics, ease, transient ability and presence any less important, objectively, in the pursuit of what emulates a live, acoustic (or amplified) performance. The question to or what’s perceived by some may be what’s sacrificed in other sonic areas getting there, but to my ears good horns generally have less character than direct radiators; music simply happens more naturally and uninhibited (my next "adventure" is acquiring a pair of horn-hybrid pro cinema speakers, recently used in an actual theater in Germany, for fully active (i.e.: sans passive cross-over) duties - oh well, they’re still +100dB’s sensitive).
I also appreciate mrdecibel's contributions.         With phusis' mention of pro cinema horns, how about the JBL 4676 model? (with 4550 bottom cabinets). Does anyone have any experience with these, or opinions regarding such?
@isochronism --

I also appreciate mrdecibel's contributions.         With phusis' mention of pro cinema horns, how about the JBL 4676 model? (with 4550 bottom cabinets). Does anyone have any experience with these, or opinions regarding such?

I don't have experience with those you mention, but perhaps @johnk could share some insights here?
Yes, johnk would certainly be knowledgeable!!              I have an original pair put away for years. I've been looking for a larger place to move to for some time. Hopefully soon!