Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Anyone who advocates for sited tests, or advocates against blind tests, can be simply ignored. Their ignorance w.r.t. testing of anything involving human perception is too limited to make their opinion of use or they have an agenda that again makes their communication of no value.
That’s a remarkable statement from someone here who has cultivated the air of a scientist. Real scientists don’t allow prejudice or bias to dismiss data; they look at the data, then research and test it.

Very few people in this forum post results of blind tests, so you must find this forum pretty useless. It makes me wonder why you’re here, although I think I have a pretty good idea.
Unfortunately cd318, someone felt the need to prove that some will never reach that conclusion or even consider that they are wrong.

No matter which way you wish to go, no matter how little you may yet know of audio playback, or of human psychology and perception, I can guarantee you from personal first hand hard earned experience that you will eventually arrive at exactly the same conclusions.

Why am I here cleeds? Partially Covid boredom, still working lots, but not in nearly as many meetings, and the work day never really ends when working at home.  It's also an interesting cross-section into the "audiophile" realm and the audiophile mindset at this given point in time.  I do like reading the "what's on your ...." threads. Lots of great music suggestions there. I also thought, shockingly wrong of course, there would be more discussion on actually practical and effective audiophile topics like room acoustics and room tuning. That there isn't says a whole lot. People would rather talk at length about things they couldn't even identify in a blind test, as opposed to making significant and noticeable improvements. I think this plays to our lazy instant gratification culture?

What I don't come for here, is equipment "reviews", though I find comments on speakers relevant. Speakers differ so much in performance characteristics that anecdotal reports can convey useful information, especially if people discuss room usage. When someone claims to pick out the performance of a very specific piece of electronics within an overall chain, often not their chain or listening space, I take it with a grain of salt.  Oh, I do find comments on streamers interesting as well, but mainly for UI comments.

Then again, maybe I am just here as a marketing exercise cleeds, you never know do you. Why are you here? 

Uhmm, ya, that is exactly what real scientists do. They quickly dismiss data that is not collected in a repeatable at least somewhat rigourous manner, they dismiss experiments that make no attempt to control for variable, etc.  That has nothing to do with bias, it has to do with validity. When that scientist knows that the conditions for testing lack the requirements to create valid data, they dismiss that data ... with prejudice.

Real scientists don’t allow prejudice or bias to dismiss data; they look at the data, then research and test it.
Not all audio differences or effects are huge or even easily discerned. Sometimes they are aren’t observed, especially on first hearing. Furthermore, any differences or effects that should be audible can easily be covered over and masked by all manner of mistakes in the system or perhaps external factors, time of day, the weather, whatever. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. “But I never make mistakes in my system. My system sounds fabulous!” 🤗
Why am I here cleeds? Partially Covid boredom, still working lots, but not in nearly as many meetings, and the work day never really ends ...
I didn't ask why you're here, but I respect the candor in your explanation.
... that is exactly what real scientists do. They quickly dismiss data that is not collected in a repeatable at least somewhat rigourous manner, they dismiss experiments that make no attempt to control for variable, etc.
Don't be silly. Real scientists actually conduct their own tests. They don't dismiss every listener's casual account with a wave of the hand while muttering about the lack scientific control yet making no effort to conduct their own inquiry, to their own standards. (To be fair, that may not fully apply to you, because I saw another post you made where you suggested acquiring some speakers to test.)
... maybe I am just here as a marketing exercise cleeds, you never know do you.
Oh no, you do sometimes know, and it's part of separating the wheat from the chaff on Audiogon. There are many people here who post under their real identities. And there are many others who are otherwise known, such as everyone buys and sells on this site. Not everyone is hunched anonymously over their keyboard.
Why are you here?
It's a hobby. I've been into music and electronics for as long as I can remember, and got into high end audio in the late '70s. I've been active on various sites going all the way back to Usenet and r.a.h-e., always under the same moniker. As Casey said, "You could look it up."