FR66S vs Ikeda IT-407 vs FR66FX

Which is the better one?
I listened to reed 3p with Van Den Hul Crimson XGW Stradivarius and it was amazing. Are they better than Reed 3p?
I am planning to pair it with Garrard 301. 

Of course there are more 'classic' Japanese tonearms to consider. The Micro Seiki MAX-237/282 series is highly regarded but very pricey. And if it is usability you're after, you might also look at the Audiocraft AC-3300/4400 series (10" and 12" respectively).

This system with two point bearing offered a wide choice of interchangeable armpipes: three straight pipes with fixed headshells for different effective mass, an S-pipe with universal SME bajonet and even dedicated pipes for EMT TSD and Ortofon SPU A type cartridges. Also variable oil damping and a VTA tower, similar to the Reed.

In my experience this tonearm will accomodate just about every cartridge you can imagine, both modern and 'old school'. It is the most universal tonearm system I own. It's also an absolute joy to use and sounds terrific. I have tried my Colibri in the AC-4400, using the lightest straight armpipe and sonically it is at least on a par with Reed 3P.

Unfortunately a 'fully decked' AC-4400 isn't exactly cheap either, but at least you can spread the cost, adding more armpipes and counterweights as you go along. These can still be found in Japan as separate items. The more common (and thus cheaper) armpipes of the earlier AC-3000/4000 series - in black or silver - will fit as well.

If I was forced, I'd choose it over the Reed 3P and FR64s.

It is true that used FR64s samples are very old and not perfect.
One of the reason i bought absolutely perfect Ikeda IT-345 old version.
Composite of materials for resonance control and better bearings, fully compatible with B-60 vta base or N-60 stabilizer. Adjustment is very easy.
Dear @kanchi647 : I can't know why with so many today tonearms designs you are looking for the WORST vintage tonearms ever and I mean it.

Today: Triplanar, Durand latest gimball design, SME, Kuzma 4point, Reed, Schroeder, Thales, VPI gimball design, Da Vinci, etc. etc.

If you look for vintage then the best are: MS MAX 282, Technics EPA 100 and the 100MK2 or the 501, Lustre GST-801, AT 1010, etc.

Any of those tonearms outperforms any of the ones you asked for . The FR are undamped tonearms when all the other I mentioned here are very well damped designs and were designed that way because cartridges ( any ) ask for that damping no matters what.

Btw, today exist a lot better cartridges than the SPU or Koetsu and one of them is the Vdh ones.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
What do you all think about Osiris tonearm which is held by a magnet.. that’s pretty 
Dear @kanchi647 : I have not experiences with that tonearm but is an unipivot design that magnetic or nat makes it unstable. Its magnetic antiskating is not something new, the vintage Lustre GST-801 ( that's very good tonearm. ) came/comes with magnetic antiskate and magnetic VTF been a dynamic balanced design: this is design engineering.
