perfect speakers for atmasphere amp and preamp

I'm currently using Aerial Accoustic 10ts with my Atmasphere MA1 and MP1. I make it work by using Spletz Autoformers but am looking for a better speaker match. Any suggesions?
I have heard terrific matches of Atma-Sphere electronics and Dynaudio C1's and Audio Physic speakers, can't remember exactly which model, but they were below the Scorpio's.
Most good ones with the right sensitivity and the higher the impedance, the better. IMO the autoformers negate much of the otl advantage.
Probably many or most of the models mentioned in this thread about high efficiency speakers, although the power capability of your MA1's may be overkill for some of them.

Coincident and Devore would undoubtedly be good choices to consider, as would Daedalus. The Daedalus Ulysses, which I own, are nominally only 6 ohms, but are a very benign 6 ohms in terms of the flatness of their impedance vs. frequency curve, and also, I'm fairly certain, in terms of avoidance of significantly capacitive phase angles, especially with the all-poly crossover option that is offered. See the comments near the end of that thread by Jazdoc, Atmasphere, and others.

-- Al