New TT for ~$1500

My birthday is coming up and I will be asking for a *new* TT. Budget is up to $1500, but preferably closer to $1k. I would be comfortable pitching in another few hundred $$$ for a good cartridge if I get a table without one. Was thinking:
Rega P3, maybe P6 if I really stretch the budget (that'd be over my $1500 mark)

MoFi StudioDeck
Clearaudio Concept (I have a lead on a lightly used one with low hours, bundled with an Artist V2 cart, but might make gift giving awk)

Pro-Ject X2 w/ Sumiko Moonstone

Any thoughts?


Try the Hana EL. It is the new Denon 103 and considered to be better. Talking of vintage Technics cartridge, I bought a used EPC-205C MK3 with original stylus (still in good condition) a couple of years ago. This cartridge is very neutral sounding, just what a cartridge is supposed to, but still sounds analog and not flat sounding as my V15 IV-MR. I’ve read the EPC-100C is better but I haven’t heard it.

Denon is not better, it has conical stylus tip and low compliance, a very old design for super heavy tonearms.
Also don't forget about SUT or MC phono stage that you will have to add to the price. 

An MC cartridge for beginner is the worst as re-tip cost a lot and cartridge must be shipped back to the manufacturer for a long time (or to re-tipper).

I’ve mentioned some of the best Technics MM cartridges just to remind to others that Matsushita invented not only amazing DD turntables, but also made great cartridges with extremely low moving mass and super wide frequency response. Unfortunately the rubber material in cartridge suspension was a bad choice, they are all suffering from this problem in 30-40 years (softened suspension, cartridge almost laying down on the record surface). Jico S.A.S. is replacement for 205 series, but not for 100 series :( Another "problem" is elliptical stylus, they could use advanced profile, but they didn’t :( What was really great is Boron Pipe Cantilever.

One of the reasons why some other vintage cartridges are better is different stylus profile (stereohedron, micro ridge, line contact, micro line etc) and proper suspension.

Grace even made Boron Pipe cantilever, but with Micro Ridge stylus, i like Grace LEVEL II better. 

For beginner: user replaceable stylus is a must have, for this reason MM or MI only (not MC). 


Don’t know enough to suggest a cartridge, but options abound. I use a vintage Grace F9 Ruby with great pleasure.

This is very nice, but the stylus on original Ruby (RS9R) is elliptical.
There are better profiles from Grace for F9, also profiles from FR14 (F14) are compatible with F9. Grace own Advanced Luminal Trace profile (RS14AL clear color) or those blue color profiles with "F" on them with LineContact type of the diamond.

Tell that to Michael Fremer, his "belt drive" turntable costs as much as a luxury car....I disagree, there is nothing wrong with a well designed 1500-2000 buck belt driven turntable! I have owned several in this price range and they all sounded great.
You can read fremer’s review on Technics. Or watch this and compare :))

nothing wrong with a well designed 1500-2000 buck belt driven turntable! I have owned several in this price range and they all sounded great.

"Sounded great" for you, but you can’t even adjust VTA on those cheap tonearms.

Will you swap your nice Tannoy for Wireless speakers ? @audioguy85
Same about Technics and overpriced (entry level) belt drive toys
You mentioned REGA, I just returned to analogue after a long break .I tested the water with a low budget  manual table and was quite surprised for what I GOT for a very modest sum.And then took the big jump (INCURABLE AUDIOPHILIA) one with these new double /triple plinths  and the final  one with a suspended chassis  ... and I am still wondering what  justifies the wide price difference  between all these choices. An quasi frameless table for 6,000 while a similar idea  almost no frame around a rigid cast bar  for less than 800.I would be interested to  throw some money out of the window  on the latter to really compare it with the expensive sister because these two are visibly done along the same design direction (MINIMAL FRAME- NO SPLINT). Even a very special bearing  would not seem enough .It is time we take real look at these reviewers claims who justify any  price.The best amp I ever heard, the best turntable ever made  until the next issue and so on. JUST be careful  we should  try to listen at different items in a system we familiar with music we love and familiar with before we follow the prophets, GOOD LUCK