Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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An ordinary man has no means of deliverance.

You can’t cheat an honest man.

Never smarten up a chump.

By the way, Feynman was all that swift, himself. He actually isn’t that good at explaining things. But if you like it lap it up. That’s why they kept him out of the Shuttle Disaster Final Report. 
Now what does this uber$$$$ cable do that the cable that came with the component doesn’t?
That world meter doesn't look good for the US today I thought we were going down ⛷
It’s the Devil’s Teeth. Currently we’re on the path for near the highest day ever. Hel-loo! And they’re talking of disbanding the task force today? Cut me some slack, Jack!