Looking to upgrade DAC from SA8005

I'm currently using the SA8005 as a redbook player and DAC for the Aries Mini, being fed into a stock RLD-1 and a recent Ultra Platinum upgraded DNA-1.

I want to explore options of a DAC and preamp and looking to stay under the $1500 mark if poss.

My search has included is a PSA Stellar Gain Cell to also be used as a preamp.

Bryston BDP-2
Benchmark DAC-2 (also as preamp)
Yggdrasil (possible depending on price)

I do like the option to keep the HT bypass and remote function.

I feel the hard part is finding one that maintains clarity in the transients of the higher frequencies and not become analytical.

The 8005 does a good job of providing depth, focus, imaging and retaining a very life-like stage presentation but midrange clarity and the upper registry transients need a bit of refinement..seems slightly rolled off and may not be the fault of the 8005, could very well be the 21 YO stock preamp.

I would like to try a Directstream sometime but for now this is the pricepoint I'm at. Another reason is at the price of the DSD there are other options.

Thanks, all input and criticism welcomed

I like Marantz stuff always have; I have the 8004 and it’s very musical, not the last word in extension but it is a heck of a value for the age;

I can’t recommend these two highly enough at your price point:
Chord Qutest and Schitt Saga+; Highly unlikely you will find any DAC/ Linestage that meets, much less exceeds this combo.
Welcome to high end level transparency, neutrality, dynamics, frequency extension, and refinement/ purity for your $$$ goal.

snip < ’not become analytical’ > endsnip

I’d take Benchmark out of your search.
McCormack DNA1 ++ awesome amp; congrats!

Look into the MHDT line....for example. the Orchid. With a few simple mods and a bit of tube rolling. you'll have an excellent DAC
I have a Marantz 8005 with the Modwright mod/tube output stage/power supply.  Wonderful.  Closest to analog I have gotten with CD's.  Now playing with streamers and modern DACs like the Chord stuff and Schiit Yggy... they are close but still not there for me