Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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the power cable presents a high impedance to these signals they will be reflected back into the power supply
That's easy enough to figure out just measure the $$$ aftermarket power cable and the stock cable that came with the amp and see if there is a difference.
Misconception #3 is nonsense audio components don't have perspectives but anyway why 6 feet? Suppose your magic cable is 12 feet does the amps perspective change? Lets make the cable 30 feet and connect to the panel box what's the perspective of the amp now, does it know a breaker and bus bar is now the bottleneck? What's the perspective of the wires after the power supply? Complete idioticy.
... In the meantime not one credible explanation has emerged as to why the last 2 metres of electrical cabling should matter exponentially more than the previous possible kilometres.
Logical fallacy alert, straw man argument. I don't recall anyone here claiming exponential improvement.
It would be pretty weird for someone who designs hi end power cords to argue that power cords don’t matter. Yes, no, maybe? Answer at 11.