Upgrade Suggestions - Entry Level Setup

Hi everyone,

Here's my current setup.  I have this itch to upgrade something but wasn't sure what.  My room is pretty small (10X12 feet), so I really like the small form factor of the speakers.  Not to mention, I love the Dali sound. 

Given that, what are some quick wins / pocket-friendly upgrades to improve SQ? And what will be some medium to long term upgrades?  Basically, where would you go from here?  Based on your suggestion, I am going to try to audition and see what I like.  Thanks folks!

Topping D50 for $250, Sabaj D5 for $470, Schiit Modi 3 for $99 any of those would better the Node2i DAC.
Dahli makes a very fine speaker, and one of your absolute best moves would be to upgrade within the Dahli brand. 

That is as straight and efficacious advice as you will see here.  :) 

To be honest, I don't even know what I want changed. Just feels like something's missing or could be better. lol
You can lead a horse to water. But you can't make him think.
Djones51, oh wow, that’s good to know.  I guess I’m gonna order them off amazon and try them out for myself. Thanks a lot for the recommendations.  Not crazy expensive either.

Douglas and Jl35,
Which Dali speakers and what electronics do you use with them?  Just so you know, I first tried the opticon 2, ended up being too big for my room. Oberon 1 was reviewed well and was cheaper, so went for it.  Perhaps the opticon 1 ? Don’t think there’s a rubicon 1 in the line up. Yes, I think I’ve become a fan of the Dali sound.