Vandersteen power cable upgrad

Has anyone upgraded the power cables on their Vandersteens 
What cable did you choose any reviews and comments are greatly appreciated

Thanks Tom 
But seriously in the interest of actually helping people search this subject on the Gon and several owners have tried a variety of low profile cords with a variety of wires with mixed results. Have at it DIY

Thanks everyone for your input I will have to borrow some from John
millercabon I don't know any company that give you anything but an off the shelf power cable for any component 

Enjoy the music and be safe 
Richard Vandersteen assured me that their supplied power cords are all you need, and you wouldn't get improved performance with others.  I just happened to have a couple of Elrod cords sitting unused, so what the heck, I gave them a try, and was very glad that I did.  I definitely found it worth using them.

I'm surprised by Millercarbon's reply, as he states in another current thread that everything makes a difference - - a sentiment that I agree with.
Not everything we do w respect to change makes a positive difference - I have heard Elrod power cables make a monumental difference in one system in particular- great to have a pair laying around :-)

but I can say in my search to better the Ayre reference cord on my VX-R more than a few came up short - sometimes it takes bunch of trial and listening

enjoy the journey and the music !!!