have you ever bought stereo without listening first

I just placed a down payment for a Belles Virtuoso 200wpc amp. Its not in their website, I believe is a new model just put in production. Following Audio Connection,John Rutan's recommendation and pairing it up with an Audible Illusion M3A preamp and Vandys speakers. I believe its going to be a good combo, but has anyone listen to this amp?
mistakes happen when our knowledge on paper is about average.  
The worst was a pair of B&W 803Matrix replacing TDL Studio 2.
On a Yamaha C-2a i got away easily selling it after a month to a guy who got it without listening! 
"The fact of the matter is high end stores may be accessible in big cities but high end components never are."

What do they sell in high end stores then?

"Is there anyone here lives within driving distance of being able to hear a Raven, Onkk Cue, Schroeder, or Herron?"
For whatever reason, it seems that none of these mentions dealers on their website. If they have no dealers, they are not making it easy to drive to hear them. Is that some marketing bait strategy? Inability to find a dealer willing to represent them? Something else?
Because audio salons can't make money like they used too. In the '80s when I sold high and mid fi retail and bought my stuff there and from similar mom & pop shops (in Cincinnati and Atlanta) their margins were always razor thin. Now non-existent unless you are in a very rich area (which most of us aren't). Even in Nashville, with all that money and music, there used to be dozens until the early/mid 2000s. Now: 2 and both small. 
I heard that amplifier driving the new Vandersteen Kento's at the Audio Connection right before the lockdown. Nick and I listened to vinyl and the system sounded really good. The system was using an Audio Research Preamp and phono stage with a Clearaudio Ovation turntable and the top of the line Hana cartridge. One of the few systems I've heard where the speakers just disappeared. All of the Belles amplifiers I have heard sound great. John wouldn't steer you wrong. Good Luck!
It helps to establish relationships with dealers and other audiophiles you trust. For example I talk with Rutan every now and then, trade texts of album covers to exchange music, etc. similar other relationships with dealers in Tacoma, Gig Harbor, Seattle, Santa Monica, San Diego, Atlanta.... you get the idea.
Other audiophiles I trust means for the most part we have heard each others systems and are able to recognize and communicate virtues and weaknesses. Blessed as I am, those number about twenty. After this €£%#??? COVID-19 passes, make an audiophile buddy.
then there are people who I have been to unamplified event in a reverberant space with... we share a very common reference ( and often the music files or tape ) Finally there are people you trust who systems, ( with some common components!! ), !musical taste, lack of ego etc make them sources. Some manufacturers are approachable- I am fortunate to have a connection with Richard Vandersteen ( OP he engineers for a relatively easy load and Belles is if anything over engineered - you have nothing to worry ! ). Manufacturers tend to run in a group so you will see Ayre ( Charlie RIP ), Aesthetix ( Jim ), Brinkmann ( Helmut), AQ ( Bill ), etc run in a bit of a pack - sharing some design principles ( for example DBS, no global negative F/B, built in first order low pass on amplifier, etc) So understanding those relationships is helpful.
Do some work, of course there is a Herron to audition 62 miles from me. I know this because I asked Keith. I bought my Triplaner without hearing it first, based on much of the above. Have fun, enjoy the journey and the music.