Looking for amp reccomendation

I currently have an NAD Home Theater 7 channel amp with Persona B Speakers as main. I would like to purchase a used Class A or A/B solid state amp for around 3K, used give or take a few dollars for two channel listening.

Do you think I would really notice the difference in sound when listening to two channel stereo with a class A amp versus two channel set up on my Home Theater?

Suggestions for amps? Thanks in advance.  Sorry about spelling recommendation.  Couldn't edit.
I heard a McIntosh MA252 with the Persona B at hifi store, sounded pretty amazing especially those speakers I couldn't believe the bass from them.
You will notice a difference in 2 channel versus surround if you plan. 
Used is a great way to go and determining your sources is important for managing your budget. 
I started my 2 channel journey with a NAD integrated amp - I had a T786 in my media room. It was a great start and was replaced with McIntosh C2600 & MC 302 combo. 
My sources are media streamer linked to my NAS, turntable and cassette deck.  
Look at the Lexicon 5 and 7 channel amps. You can get a used one for for way less than $3K. Even if it needs some professional going over, you will spend far less. I recently got and LX-7 200 watt per channel. It sounded great, but had some age related problems. The amp and repairs cost me about $1700. This will be the last amp I will buy.