Suggestions for $2k budget

Greetings, and I hope you are all well.
Looking for speaker advice on a $2k budget. Used or new, tower or bookshelf, doesn't matter. I'm about a year into my audiophile journey and am about to buy a house with a small to medium sized space I'll be using as a listening room. I listen to mostly rock/electronic 
I respect your opinions very much, would be very grateful for any tips!
Thank you,
Hi Bryce, I suggest you go window shopping for some good JBL or Yamaha vintage speakers at ebay. You listen to rock and electronic and these speakers excel in that medium. I shopped in your budget and found a pair of JBL L100's that I would have pulled the trigger on. It's also fun to window shop. :) 
I just realized you listen to rock and electronics.  Then I would suggest Tekton Double Impact or Klipsch Heresy IV.  I haven’t heard them, the suggestion is more suggest to check them out.  But they are pretty new, so may be hard to find one in the used market, and hence may not fir your budget.
If you have modest space, that will be a big factor in determining the scale of speaker you put into it. What are your room dimensions?
I suggest you buy the best bookshelf/small tower speaker you can afford for the space. An added bonus is that you can move smaller speakers in many more places to exploit the best position for them...there will be fewer positions for larger speakers.

That said, I have Salk Songtowers. Pretty much about $2k new and built to your liking. They were at one time the most expensive part of my system but, as I have upgraded of the last few years, they are now the least expensive. I could have better speakers but these things have kept up and I have no need to upgrade at this time.

They are medium sized towers but It’s tough to find a bad position for these speakers. I’ve had them in 3 different homes in the last 6 years and they’ve been great in all of them. They sound good right up against wall but soundstage is much better about 1/5 into the room. In the right position they have very natural and deep bass and sound smooth all the way to the top. In a bad position the bass is simply good enough. 

Can you tell us your Preamp and Amp? There is no point suggesting speakers without knowing those two things.