Speaker wire

I have a pair of Klipsch Chorus speakers with a sensitivity of 101 Db at 8ohms. What is the reccomneded guage for speaker wires for this speaker, and what are some of the better known brands?
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Sam you didn't mention the length of wire needed , gauge and distance of wire go hand in hand , of coarse there are more important perimeters to consider . Also In recommending a brand of cable we would need to no what amplifier ect you are using to achieve good system synergy .
This is a great guide for speaker wire.
be sure to read the entire article - quite interesting!
The zombie of Roger Russell speaks his tune once more. And McIntosh show demos are done with zip cord off the backs of the amps, right.

You don't need any special speaker wire to suit your very sensitive speakers, but you will find some benefit in using wire made for the purpose, i.e. speakers. Not to say the Wall Mart cord won't work either.

I tried 12-gauge Romex, then a Brit-made QED wire, then moved way up to a whole 300 bucks for two used 8-foot biwire lengths of Ensemble cable. There are a whole lot of very reasonably-priced products you could be trying as you start off. One I use in a second system (and think very good value) is Audioquest Type 4.