Why do you guys pursue a flat frequency response when you buy a subwoofer?

As we all know, most audiophiles spend a fortune for that flat frequency response displayed on the manufacturer's specs when you buy a subwoofer. Why do you do this? The minute you put that flat sub in your room and take some measurements, it is anything but flat (it's a rollercoaster with all kinds of peaks/nulls etc, EQ to the rescue).....So, why do you dudes continue to look for the flat line? What's going on in your mind when you're shopping around?
Miller - flail away Charlie

So you choose liar. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Just remember it was you who tied the laces.
Gr8 post Duke ! The only thing I would add is Management of the critical crossover frequency to the mains and the slope and energy of the subs above 100 HZ, assuming the dude , “ any major dude “ cares about imaging....
Duke - I will resend you the hi-rez photo at your AK business email. I put a medium
rez in my virtual system page : Poverty Bay Sound. That is viewable by all.
" Duke - I will resend you the hi-rez photo at your AK business email." 

Got it - THANK YOU!  Very interesting pattern of waves on the lake!! 

How were the patterns moving? 

Millercarbon to tomic601: " So you choose liar. "

Miller, just for the record, I’m not comfortable with what you did there.

In a now-deleted post you called for tomic to do such-and-such or else he was (in your words) a liar, and when he didn’t, you now say he chooses to be a liar. Without overly dissecting it, I’ll just say that seems pretty aggressive to me.

Miller, is there a different way you could have replied to tomic601’s earlier post, one that extended the benefit of the doubt and would therefore likely have resulted in the clearing up any misperceptions?
