Looking forward to your findings. I've tried TS BGRP, RCA vt231, KR vt231, Syl vt231, and various Sylvanias.
I'd like to hear a real Meltz Metal Base in my system.
I'd like to hear a real Meltz Metal Base in my system.
Shootout of Nos 6sn7 tubes
https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-1956-RCA-6SN7GT-Amp-Tubes-Matched-voice-of-music-VM-Strong-Pair/264691958675?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 I bought this as reserve 6sn7 for Freya which use quad 6sn7. After using KR vt231, I switched to this pair. It sounds clean and transparent with nice decays. It sound better than " Bad boy" which cost me 10 times more. I will also include this one in shootout. Sometimes you can find nice bargain. But it could be hit or miss. |