What are small gold colored "caps" that came in bag with perfect path products?

I recently upgraded my Pre/amp/CD player and cables so I'm just now getting around to evaluating some perfect path products I bought.  In the bag with alpha e cards and thing you plug into outlets are several small gold colored objects looks like a cap to something, but it is not obvious what.  Anyone know what these are ?

Thanks for your time.
What about holons and morphic fields? How do you eliminate information fields? I mean, besides you being in the room.
RFI. Let’s look at the wavelength of 1 Gigahertz wave for a second. It’s about 0.2 meter. So we can rule out all RF 1 GHz and below fitting into the opening of an RCA jack, let say it’s 3 mm. The hole diameter is too small. Pop quiz: at what frequency and above will RF fit into the opening?
millercarbon"What about holons and morphic fields? How do you eliminate information fields? I mean, besides you being in the room.

This is a vile, unwarranted, unnecessary personal attack, insult, and derogatory statement perhaps MC thinks this is clever, witty, or amusing but I find it to be none of those but instead a poor reflection of MC's motives, intent, and purpose in this forum.
We all know he’s a jerk. He can’t help himself. It’s a form of inferiority complex. Either that or a really bad case of the 🍑