Speaker manufacturers or box manufacturers with off the shelf drivers?

This is nothing new, it has existed for decades.  There are several good makers of speakers that make their own drivers and those that build boxes and put ScanSpeak or some other "purchased" drivers in their boxes.  

This is not ment to be demeaning or a put down, it is more of a question.  With so many speaker "builders" using off the shelf drivers...is this simply a "high-end" version of Radio Shack or are these legit high-end products? 

 I do not know if other manufactures sell their drive units to box manufacturers....

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@ebm “ I am chairman of the bored “ Iggy Pop 
.... think I will go play some....

:-) enjoy the music
Why are most high end speakers manufacturers using mdf for their boxes?
because its a cheap nasty material. Its good enough though for most folks. But some manufacturers think its not good enough and they use other materials. 

if mdf is used, do you think one box that has substantial bracing performs like another box without any bracing? And what are the merits of mdf. It’s hard to understand why so many speaker manufacturers competing for sales through good sounding products would use such a material if it was a horrible choice. Does it all simply come down to cost or are there other benefits to using mdf?

mdf is a good versatile material. Its easily available, cheap and
easy to cut. A box without bracing will vibrate more. 

In your years of high end speaker building, what materials have you found that work best?

You will need a concrete box 100 inches thick all the way round. 

 I understand that you manufacture all of your own drive units.
How much of that comes into play with regards to the exceptional sound you achieve in your designs?

Zero. Off shelf drivers work fine. 

Would you say crossover design is important or you just use whichever resistors and capacitors you have on hand at the moment?

Its not that important. It can always be adjusted if you
get it wrong. 

And lastly, are you still currently developing any products that we should keep our eyes open for?
No. Not for the public. My designs will remain for personal use only. They are being developed to meet my unique requirements that the worlds finest speakers could not satisfy. There are plenty of speakers out there already for the rest of you.

In your years of high end speaker building, what materials have you found that work best?
You will need a concrete box 100 inches thick all the way round.

kenjit, you are talking about a cube of concrete 16 feet on a side, per speaker. That is 151 yards of concrete. 614,400lbs of concrete. 307 TONS of concrete. PER SPEAKER. 

Are you sure about that???