192 khz/24 bit Albums on Qobuz

Thought I'd try and start a list of 192 khz/24 bit albums folks have come across on Qobuz. They sound significantly better, but unfortunately do not know of a way to specifically search for them - 

REM - entire catalog
Muddy Waters - Folk Singer
CCR - Complete Studio Albums
Cannon Adderly - Somethin' Else
Eric Dolphy - Out to Lunch
John Coltrane - Blue Train
Wayne Shorter - Speak No Evil

Let me know if you guys have come across other albums.

Stay safe and enjoy the music - looks like this may go on until June
I also just signed up for Qobuz and did some trade off listening / research between Qobuz FLAC 192khz and Tidal MQA 192khz. Its a PIA somewhat because my Node 2i streamer does not indicate the frequency being played. Searching for streaming 192khz on Qobuz is also not possible from what I can tell, however I went to the Qobuz download store and searched using the simple letter "e" and then it alllowed me to filter by 192khz and the store had 11,323 hits. I assume I can then find the same individual hit for streaming. (I put the link below). 

Also, my initial Qobuz streaming searches came up with a playlist called "24 bit 192 khz - Audigon" by Gregg. Search for that, Gregg came up with 522 tracks (almost 40 hours of tunes) -- thanks Gregg

My listening opinion so far is that 192khz definitely makes a difference (especially in the vocals and guitar). I am no expert at all especially after reading a bunch of Google opinions/reviews which tended to poo-poo the whole idea. I am only streaming (no cd, no records, etc) so I setup an A/B switch to change mid song between a 192khz DAC and a 96khz DAC and, confirmational bias aside, 192khz sounds fuller and more detailed. 

I stream ethernet to my Node 2i streamer with RCA connect to Rogue CRONUS MAGNUM II integrated amp and my new Vandersteen Treo CT speaker. I also have a Ayre CODEX DAC (which displays frequency). I went A/B between the Node 2i and CODEX because I found that for the CODEX to go above 96khz you MUST use the USB input and the Node 2i does not have a USB output. I ran optical from Node 2i to the CODEX which displayed 96khz for the A input and then ran RCA from the Node 2i direct to the amp for the B input (I read that for the Node 2i to process at 192khz you MUST use the RCA outputs by design for whatever reason). Switching between A/B mid song yielded differences to me. I have been advised to upgrade my streamer to Innous mini zen which will output correctly to the CODEX for 192khz. I am going to try that tomorrow and am excited because if I can perceive differences with a $500 Note 2i at 192khz, I can't wait to see what a $1200 streamer with the $2000 CODEX can do at 192khz. Hopefully my logic trail follows and the listening results correlate. And my bubble does not get burst.

Advice and comments are welcome as I am a new (old at 61) audio hi-fi wanna be.

This is all with the help/guidance of John Rutan of Audioconnect in Verona NJ. Thanks John.

easiest way to search is by artist. then scroll down and you can quickly see all the albums and see the 24/192 choices (96/24 are not bad either). and if you use Roon, you will also see any files you have on your server too, not just Quboz.

i’m especially interested in ’Golden Age’ jazz; and lately have been deep into Lee Morgan, Hank Mobley, Grant Green, Thelonious Monk, and Dexter Gordon......just to name a few. stereo and mono titles.
So I did that on the Qobuz App (not the store). I searched on "Main Artist", Allman Brothers. Clicked on "See all releases" and 99 albums showed up and 28 of them had the "Hi-Res AUDIO" logo on them. I had to click on the 28 individual "album covers" to see the khz. It varied from 44khz (surprising for Hi-Res) to 192khz. Not trivial at all.

Doing the same thing on the Qobuz Store I was able to filter it to different HI-RES QUALITY. The choices were 44.1, 48, 96, 192khz. There were 11 192khz albums.
To know what is available in 192khz I have to go back and forth from the store to the app. A major PIA. Although I just saw a button in the store called "Listen on Qobuz" which then queued up the 192khz album in the streaming app. I guess that's the easiest approach now.

Are you doing something different ?
I see that you figured out that Not everything on Qobuz that says Hi-Res is 24/192.  So you still need to dig. But once you start on it, that goes quickly by artist.  I have had both Qobuz and Tidal.  I ended up dropping Tidal as I thought the sound quality from Qobuz across the board at any bitrate was better sounding.  Once I switched DAC's from my Linn to DCS I found the difference more pronounced.
readheads -- I hope you’re using balanced analog from the Ayre Codex for your comparisons. Ayre stuff seems to sound distinctly better with balanced connections.