Looking for an integrated amp around 4000 to 5000.

I am currently looking to upgrade from a Rogue Pharaoh integrated. I have Ascendo C8 Rennasance speakers 88  DB. 6 ohm. PC to Wyred4sound DAC 2. Looking for some input on others experience. Considering Levinson 585 or Primaluna EVO 400. I need a line out for a sub. Prefer a balanced in but that is not a deal breaker. I welcome all recommendations.
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@tweak1 :  The really good news is EP is blowing out their remaining inventory as they are moving assembly from Texas to CA, I think.

ARE THEY CRAZY, my prediction is that if they go into CA, they will be out of business in a year.  You can't smoke enough POT to make the crazy rules/regs and cost of living and working in CA justified.

The Ayre AX5-Twenty was the most amazing integrated I’ve heard. I got a VX5-Twenty amp and pair it with my BAT preamp but the integrated sounds better at least in my system and with my musical tastes
BAT makes great gear but this suggests you'd be happier with a KX-5.
You might want to look at the Ayre EX-8 which should meet your criteria, It's a great sounding amp and has the option for a built in DAC and streaming capabilities. Good Luck!

I think you might be surprised by the sound the Parasound Halo integrated amp delivers for the money.  Bet if you did a blind test, you might take the Parasound.  Great frequency response curve.