Speaker cable arrows???

I bought a used pair of Silverline Audio's Conductor cables. Plugged them in 
and was very pleased with the neutral sound I was getting. Bare wire to the 
speakers, and bananas on the amp end. Then I realized that the arrows on 
the cables where pointing towards the amp. OOPS, I reversed the path 
direction, and couldn't hear any difference. Zero.
My preference would be to have the bananas on the amp end.

Can I disobey the arrows, and run the cables effectively backwards?

Almarg and atmosphere get credit for their initially interesting but ultimately kind of lame and easily disproven theory that fuse “directionality“ is produced by the irregularity of the fuse holder, not by the fuse wire per se.

">>>>That’s because you’re a mental defective. 😳"
You, again, misspelled it. I am a mental detective.

I may be slow, but I am ahead of you.
Speaking of ball peen hammers, why isn't a claw hammer called a claw peen hammer??!
Looks like this one’s officially bottomed out. 🍑 3-2. Trolls win again!
Time's up?🕰
It's going down the toilet?🚽
Put it to bed?🛌
This thread is no different than the mountain🗻 of threads that came before it and will come after it regarding directionality.
Practically every response can be replaced with:
 "Is not!"
 "Is too!"
 No one changes anyone's mind, the same guys snipe at each other, and you inevitably break out those terrific little icons....
I'm not got doggin' ya!🌭
Gotta go, time for a cup of☕.