YBA Signature Amplifier

Reading older posts (2012-2016) on various forums I saw the once highly regarded YBA Signature stereo amplifier is now being fabricated in a China, although parts are made in France and several people comments on the less than perfect quality of the product.  However, several years have passed and although I see reference to the older version, I did not see many people commenting on the current version.  I assume they worked out the bug in their manufacturing process and returned to the high standard of the older versions.

If anyone has experience with a recently manufactured YBA Signature stereo amplifier I would appreciate their feedback.  

I will be using it with Bryston SP3 and Genesis Advanced Technologies speakers. 


If it’s like this, I have a very nice sounding YBA dac that is "audio jewelry" in build quality, not quite up there in sound quality with my MSB discrete R2R, but very easy to listen to even with bad recordings. And it has preamp and headphone amp as well, very versatile, the French know how to make things.

Cheers George
I met him at a Stereophile show in NYC many years ago, and boy did he smell bad! The room sounded good though.
No one have any experience with recent YBA Signature amplifiers?

I already know the YBA sound or lack thereof since I have YBA amps but they are older versions from the 1990s'.  I am trying to find out about the recent stuff they make.