Hansen Prince & tubed amps

I've been considering changing to the Hansen Prince, but am concerned that my amps - Shindo Sinhonia - which are rated at 40 watts, may not have sufficient power for these speakers which are rated at only 87db. Does anyone have experience with these Hansens and tubed amplification of comparable power? thanks.

It happens to know very well the Hansen Prince V2 since I own them and the Knight as well.

I suggest that you test the Shindos in your dealer's Knights.

Knights are more demanding than Prince V2.

I've heard Princes with Viva Solista mk2 with 24 single-ended watts and the match was fantastic, but needed a bit more power for loud passages in orchestras.

Anyway try with the Knights and if you like it I reassure you that with Princes it will be easier.

Thanks for your comments. It was really helpful to have that feedback with your experience from both Hansen speakers.

I'll certainly try out my amps on the Knights.

I have Emperor in my room 10.5 x 17ft, I thought is going to overload but at moderate level of Aesthetix calypso at 46 setting was beautiful, calypso calibrated at 0db. Using krell FPB600, Aesthetix io sgn. Mk2 with 1PS. VPI classic TT/dyna XX2mk2. Loading at 2.15gm and 1k ohms.
Hansen is a beautiful speakers, I just got it yesterday ,