Electric charge moves together with electromagnetic wave at fraction of the speed of light in vacuum, dependent on dielectric (60-70%).
What moves slowly in the wire is electron (drift velocity) - practically standing still at the audio frequencies. Electron doesn't have to be a carrier of electric charge - in water it is the ion. Electric and magnetic fields are constantly changing with alternating current, but energy is delivered on the outside of the wires from source to load (for AC and DC). The unit of Poynting Vector is "watts per square meter". Picture with battery and resistor illustrates this:
What moves slowly in the wire is electron (drift velocity) - practically standing still at the audio frequencies. Electron doesn't have to be a carrier of electric charge - in water it is the ion. Electric and magnetic fields are constantly changing with alternating current, but energy is delivered on the outside of the wires from source to load (for AC and DC). The unit of Poynting Vector is "watts per square meter". Picture with battery and resistor illustrates this: