For years I used a tubed BAT VK30 preamp with a Bryston 4B SST amp, under the theory that it was the best of both worlds. Prior to that, I had a Counterpoint hybrid amp and preamp, under the theory that hybrid was the best of both worlds. I've now gone to all tubes with the BAT preamp and a pair of PrimaLuna mono-blocks, and I've come to believe that the "best of both worlds" theory is just an excuse for a compromise. Before going to all tubes, I tried bypassing the preamp altogether but, surprisingly, it sounded harsh, so the preamp went back in. Of course, the Bryston delivered far more power, but I don't notice any lack of power or lack of bass. To the contrary, there is plenty of bass slam and texture, better midrange detail and transparency, easy, natural, extended highs and a difficult to describe but pleasant, musical quality to the sound.