Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?


I’ve seen some folks using Tube Preamps with Solid State Am ps. I’m thinking of doing that with my system as part of an incremental change. I currently have a Parasound P5 preamp with a Parasound A21 driving Klipsch Cornwall 4’s. Will a decent / good Tube Preamp really make a difference in my sound? I enjoy what I have now but really want to experience Tubes in my system. Thanks!
Main: Audio Research LS-27 with Bryston 4BST3 running Sonus Faber Cremona M's

Office: McIntosh MA 252 (tube front end) Integrated running Chartwell LS3/5A's

My favorite combinations !
For years I used a tubed BAT VK30 preamp with a Bryston 4B SST amp, under the theory that it was the best of both worlds.  Prior to that, I had a Counterpoint hybrid amp and preamp, under the theory that hybrid was the best of both worlds.  I've now gone to all tubes with the BAT preamp and a pair of PrimaLuna mono-blocks, and I've come to believe that the "best of both worlds" theory is just an excuse for a compromise.  Before going to all tubes, I tried bypassing the preamp altogether but, surprisingly, it sounded harsh, so the preamp went back in.  Of course, the Bryston delivered far more power, but I don't notice any lack of power or lack of bass.  To the contrary, there is plenty of bass slam and texture, better midrange detail and transparency, easy, natural, extended highs and a difficult to describe but pleasant, musical quality to the sound.  

Tom Evans 'Mastergroove' SS phone stage with Tom Evans 'Vibe phoenix' SS pre amp. Custom-built Yamamoto A010 2 watt / channel VT52 tube amp. Speakers- Lowther TP1s with Lowther PM5A 15 ohm drivers. Approx' 105db/1 watt. Having an absolutely silent but lovely sounding SS phono and pre is essential with such sensitive speakers. The Yamamoto makes a tiny bit of hum but makes up for that with the most spectacular sound I've heard from a SET amp. But only 2 watts severely limits your speaker choices. The Yamamoto is wonderful on a friend's K' horns and another's Tannoy Westminster's. But It refuses to work with anything less than 100db/1 watt! 

Right now,my system consists of an Aric Audio Unlimited tube pre,and a First Watt F5,driving a pair of Graham Chartwell LS3/5’s in a well treated 9x13’ room. To these ears,sounds like wonderful music. I also have a Prometheus TVC passive pre that I swap in from time to time. Right now,I’m really enjoying the distortion that tubes have to offer.  They make my soul smile. 
I personally love that combination. I am running a concert fidelity CF-080LXV2 with 2 Concert Fidelity 200-FX amps. The tubes are on the back of the pre-amplifier and accessible so it is designed for rolling in different tubes.