Legacy SE versus Vandersteen Quatros

Looking for input regarding the above---seeking advice based upon first hand knowledge of the pros or cons of the two speakers above mentioned----thanks for your time---

When you grow up Sthomas you will learn :)
Most everything you say flies in the face of my and others experience but you said you like big drivers so its likely your bias wont let you see past that.
If your happy then thats great, one can be happy with Legacy........but you can be much more happy with a Quatro.
Legacy Focus SE 18Hz +/- 2db
Vandersteen Quatro 24 Hz +/- 2 dB

I reviewed the Focus SE for Dagogo.com
Its not how low you go its how well you go low and that what Vandersteen owners have discovered. Can you tune the Legacy to your room? Oh I know..............NO.
The Quatro is side-firing and would make a mess of the low end if it were not tuned. I'm not particularly impressed with the bass of speakers which side-fire their low end drivers. A significant amount of nuance in the lower frequencies is lost.

For those who say it doesn't matter which direction the woofer points, I'm not buying it. I have used side, down, rear and forward firing woofers in speakers and all alternative directions to front firing are not as pleasing to my ear. The bass simply sounds flabbier, less distinct and uncecessarily involves the room more. So, yes, it's a good idea for Vandersteen to work to control the drivers blasting the bass toward a side wall.