Mac made their rep with their tube gear. The Mac C22 preamp is terrific. The Mac 275 amp was the Gold Standard. *Was* is the operative watch word. It’s still a great amp. There are those who see the VTA ST-120 as a Mac 275 killer.
There are two ways to look at Mac tube gear. It’s very good, but overpriced for the sound you get from it. That being said, properly cared for, it will never lose value, but will in fact appreciate over time.
VTA tube gear is MUCH less costly and in the views of many, BETTER sounding. But it very rarely comes up for sale used, so you have to buy it new - either in kit form or preassembled and tested. So anything VTA piece you get will have a lower resale value.
A Mac 275 will run you about $5000 or so. That’s also about the going price for a C22 preamp. But the top-line VTA phono preamp, line stage preamp and 60 wpc ST-120 power amp, preassembled and tested, altogether price out at about $4200. You can save about $1000 off that price if you build the kit versions.
There are two ways to look at Mac tube gear. It’s very good, but overpriced for the sound you get from it. That being said, properly cared for, it will never lose value, but will in fact appreciate over time.
VTA tube gear is MUCH less costly and in the views of many, BETTER sounding. But it very rarely comes up for sale used, so you have to buy it new - either in kit form or preassembled and tested. So anything VTA piece you get will have a lower resale value.
A Mac 275 will run you about $5000 or so. That’s also about the going price for a C22 preamp. But the top-line VTA phono preamp, line stage preamp and 60 wpc ST-120 power amp, preassembled and tested, altogether price out at about $4200. You can save about $1000 off that price if you build the kit versions.