Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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cleeds2,957 posts
05-15-2020 9:48am
"....There is abundant evidence that "expensive power cables" can make a difference - a virtual mountain of it! There are countless testimonials in print, online and in real life from users that have first-hand experience. Indeed, premium power cables are a distinct niche within the audio and audio cable industries...."

Sorry, but anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything.

Sorry, but anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything.
It's true that even abundant empirical evidence is not by itself proof. But this is a hobbyist's group, so this wouldn't be the place to expect participants to be conducting the kind of scientific testing you probably prefer. Regardless, it's simply false to claim that "there is no evidence." There's tons of it. If it doesn't suit you, you're free to go collect your own. If you do, please share the results with us.

889 posts
05-15-2020 12:27pm

Take a look at what Gene at the excellent Audioholics site has to say on the matter.

A, "THEORY" has never proven anything, either.      That's ALL the, "evidence"  naysayers have ever offered, in their, "scientific" pontifications.       No one will ever know, whether a component change (whatever the component) makes a change, in their system/to their ears, without actually trying it, which (whether your ilk recognizes it or not), constitutes an experiment.   
Apparently some little teddy bears 🧸🧸 haven’t heard that observation 👀 is one of the keystones of the scientific method. It’s called empirical evidence. Hel-loo!