Simple question, or is it...

What exactly is an audio signal made of, and what exactly is the medium it travels through in a cable??
... The more I read about "electricity" the more satisfied i am with my basic cables.
Yes, that's known as "confirmation bias."  Very common. Many of us have been there; many of us started as skeptics.
Do I have biases? Of course we all do. The question is how can I figure out is it my bias or is it something else. I've  already tried the , is this cable better? Is this DAC better? Game. I found out I couldn't tell humpty from dumpty. So yes diving into all this about how electricity works doesn't really confirm my bias it confirms I let my bias control me for to long. 

No. It’s old stuff. The reasons can be found in a marketing 101 course. The more I read about "electricity" the more satisfied i am with my basic cables.

Yeah, sure. You my friend are what we call around these parts a pseudo skeptic. No offense intended. 😬 
Let me tell you about leaning. Most people, not everyone, has forgotten what they were taught in school a very Long time ago. And most of what you’re taught you actually never have to use on the job anyway. So you forget it super-fast. In the end, unless you have an overriding reason to learn some new body of knowledge you’re pretty much stuck with, how can I say it, nothing! Knowledge is defined as what’s left after you subtract everything you forget. 😳