Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
I made the claim that SR and others claim to do double blind tests but none of them to my knowledge had done a properly administered double blind test in public, i.e. one where the process and results could be verified and validated by others. SR I am quite sure never has. Ted (due to his public persona) has been challenged to do it many times. He has never followed through.
"...even a very strong gut feeling......That is what they call pseudo skepticism."
No, that is what they call diarrhea.
I made the claim that SR and others claim to do double blind tests but none of them to my knowledge had done a properly administered double blind test in public ...
So what? Who cares?

I've been a participant in a few double-blind listening tests. They were interesting. The results were never intended for publication. Who cares? What really matters is the result of your own evaluations.
"So what? Who cares?"

dbphd does.

(She/he asked the question "Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?")

@jl35- Your biggest mistake, was to have actually tried some better cables and cords.     Now: you need to sell those and forget everything you think you heard, because: your deceitful/malfunctioning ears and brain, obviously misled you.     TRUST ME (snort of derision)!