Amplifier for Jordan JX92S Transmission Lines

I'm building a pair of transmission line Jordan JX92S speakers, and would like some advice on a complementary amplifier. They are not super efficient but not bad either (mid to high 80's)... a lot of people have used gainclone amplifiers with them in the past. (Is that the same as a Class D amplifier? If so, they have continued to progress).

I'd either like an integrated amp or I can hide the amplifier under my bed (it's for a bedroom system) and just have a small preamp showing. I was thinking maybe Naim, Portal Panache (I like this option because of good headphone circuit). Any other ideas?

Thanks, Peter
Thanks, I'll give one a try - likely wait until one comes up used. BTW - do they have any propensity towards humming? I would likely leave it on 24/7, and wouldn't want an amplifier that would impart noise to the bedroom environment.

There shouldn't be any unwanted hum unless the amp is poorly implemented.
These amps are also called "gainclones". The 47 Labs gain card amplifier started the use of these chips thus "gainclone." I think you'll find them on ebay or audiogon. Most are DIY projects.

Hi Peter,
Are you still building the speakers? I built a pair of pair of transmission line speakers using the Jordan JX-92S. please let me know if you woukld like to talk more about this.