Simple question, or is it...

What exactly is an audio signal made of, and what exactly is the medium it travels through in a cable??

What causes charge flow?


The connected load. The greater the load the greater the current. Simple Ohm’ s Law I = E/R
The greater the load the more energy is consumed.
It’s the load that determines how much energy will flow from the source to the load.

>>>>If by β€œloadβ€œ you mean resistance then according to your equation the smaller the load the greater the current.
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Houston, we have a problem! πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ The load (R) is the denominator. That means the larger the value of load (R) the smaller the value of current (I). And the smaller the value of R the larger the value of I. You misspoke in your previous post when you said,

”The greater the connected load, the greater the current, and the greater the magnetic field around the two conductors of the circuit.”

Β Problem solved!
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