Avalon Eidolon Visions in the house

Upgraded from Thiel CS 2.4s (which I think are fantastic by the way). The Eidolon Visions just arrived today.......good lord. I know that this may be old news, but now I understand what the deal is with all the love these things get. Sounds like there is a damn mini version of whoever I'm listening to in the room with me. Full writeup to come.
Could not agree with you more. I also have the Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers, and felt the same way you did. Never has the soundstage come across bigger and deeper, nor has music sound more transparent than my Visions. They are also extremely musical - realistic sounding and not metallic, to boot! I have had and heard many other high-end speakers, such as B&W, Wilson, Kharma, Eggleston, Burmester, MBL, Rockport, etc., where each brand has its own strengths, but there's just nothing quite like the musicality and smoothness of Avalons!

However, I have found that they are very sensitive to just about every other component in the system. The better the other components, the better these speakers sound, including the power cords used on your amplifiers. With a great power cord on your amp, you will be amazed at how much more heft and depth it will add to the bass and soundstage of your speakers!
Congratulations! Glad to hear you're enjoying them. I have been living with Eidolon Diamonds for 6 years now and I still haven't heard another speaker I like nearly as much.

Congratulations on your fine speakers.....I had the original Avalon floor standers(the Ascent-MK-II)for many years.It held up to virtually everything I'd heard,and only sold it to move onto playing a musical instrument,which takes up all of my spare time...but...

If I were to buy a new speaker,yours would be it!!...To me,nobody produces a design that is as transparent in allowing a sound field to develop.Many designs are wonderful,but if you have lived with a top tier Avalon you know what I mean.

Best of luck