Avalon Eidolon Visions in the house

Upgraded from Thiel CS 2.4s (which I think are fantastic by the way). The Eidolon Visions just arrived today.......good lord. I know that this may be old news, but now I understand what the deal is with all the love these things get. Sounds like there is a damn mini version of whoever I'm listening to in the room with me. Full writeup to come.
How does the Vision compares to the Diamond? What is their price difference? Heard the Diamond last year at a dealer driven to very good effect using all VAC electronics with Ayre cdp.. Memorable.
Hi Djanggo......never listened to the diamonds so I have no idea what the comparison would be. I actually bought these sight unseen, took a chance. I've mentioned Atlanta's lack of high end choices, so unless I flew to NYC/LA or Chicago, I really didn't have a choice, and my schedule now wouldnt' allow it. I got an incredible price so there wasn't much risk on my part. They sound incredible so far! Haven't had a lot of time to really spend with them yet.
Congratulations on your purchase. I have owned mine for a few years now and still love them. I have heard everything out there and would still purchase them again today. I don’t think that they are all that finicky, but they do like lots of power to make them sing. I am running mine with an Anthem Statement P5. I would encourage you to experiment with placement. Once you find the right spot, they are truly amazing. Good luck.
Thanks Cdj.....they really are smooth as silk so far. I will say that for anyone considering Avalons......I really didn't understand the difference between a speaker sounding "hifi" vs. "realistic". My wife can't believe how much they sound like live music right there in your room......and I don't mean in that "echoey" way. The vocals and the instruments just sound more real than what you're used to hearing. My dealer did say that it could take a little getting used to since they don't sound like a typical loudspeaker and I think he's right. It is also true that they are truly revealing of the recording...I've played tons of stuff I'm familiar with and the recording quality is definitely highlighted more so than with my Thiels. Also, I'm a little surprised at music that I prefer so far, or I should say music that sounds SO much better through the Avalons. What I mean is that if I put Sarah Brightman, Diana Krall, Eva Cassidy....all the typical audiophile fare, sure they sound amazing and better than before. However, I've enjoyed the difference on some of the more mainstream stuff that I listen to, stuff with a lot of guitar play/drums/etc. like The Allman Brothers, Widespread Panic, Clapton, Dire Straits, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Boston, even newer stuff like Coldplay.....I really think the Avalons have made a bigger difference with that kind of music than they did with the typical audiophile vocal stuff, I mean, let's face it, Enya would sound good on tons of mid to high end loudspeakers. We played Viva La Vida on Coldplay's newest album and my wife said it was borderline weird hearing something that she's familiar with sound so real.
I like avalon speakers too ,a very balanced speaker , where are the pics and what type of fineer ?