So you want to tailor (synonym: improve to your ear) your system's sound.
I have a tube/SS rig: a vintage Parasound HCA-750A amp with adjustable volume controls on the rear (75w/CH 8 ohms) running thru a little gem of a line level preamp (3rd owner; which I have for over 10 years now; supposedly only 10 hand-made) by Dave Wolze, an electrical designer in Calif, back in the early 2000s (says his partner withdrew, and it crushed his dream of production; his phono preamp appears to have been highly regarded as a kit). Speakers are giant 2-way bookshelf (?) JBL (funky cabinet) L25 PRIMO - AND THEY ROCK WITH THIS COMBO (CD only,tighhntly...) AND CAN PLAY LOUD MAN!!! (example Bohemian Raposody - We Will Rock You)
I'd suggest that in looking for a tube pre - the complement of at least 2 -12AX7s and 2-EF86 tubes is a good start...
AS A COMPARISON: My Main System is a relatively new MONOPRICE INTEGRATED TUBE AMP (using Pre-outs and Main-ins) with a vintage YAMAHA discontinued HTA-5550 ( 75w/ch 8 ohms) into what I consider a great pair of sleeper bookshelf speakers - KEF Q1s!
I am an extremely cost conscious audiophile (if I say so myself) and find as much challenge in sound improvement by science (understanding) and experimentation as enjoying the listening experience ( including the plethora of music, or so-called music, choices available) but my funds are very tight, so I continue to learn, try and keep what pans out... Try something cheap like the MONOPRICE Integrated with Pre-outs - probably about $150 or so, and see if you like the flexibility/change...
OR GET A VINTAGE MORRISON ELAD - and find out what your system really sounds like with a "Straight Wire with Gain"...
So you want to tailor (synonym: improve to your ear) your system's sound.
I have a tube/SS rig: a vintage Parasound HCA-750A amp with adjustable volume controls on the rear (75w/CH 8 ohms) running thru a little gem of a line level preamp (3rd owner; which I have for over 10 years now; supposedly only 10 hand-made) by Dave Wolze, an electrical designer in Calif, back in the early 2000s (says his partner withdrew, and it crushed his dream of production; his phono preamp appears to have been highly regarded as a kit). Speakers are giant 2-way bookshelf (?) JBL (funky cabinet) L25 PRIMO - AND THEY ROCK WITH THIS COMBO (CD only,tighhntly...) AND CAN PLAY LOUD MAN!!! (example Bohemian Raposody - We Will Rock You)
I'd suggest that in looking for a tube pre - the complement of at least 2 -12AX7s and 2-EF86 tubes is a good start...
AS A COMPARISON: My Main System is a relatively new MONOPRICE INTEGRATED TUBE AMP (using Pre-outs and Main-ins) with a vintage YAMAHA discontinued HTA-5550 ( 75w/ch 8 ohms) into what I consider a great pair of sleeper bookshelf speakers - KEF Q1s!
I am an extremely cost conscious audiophile (if I say so myself) and find as much challenge in sound improvement by science (understanding) and experimentation as enjoying the listening experience ( including the plethora of music, or so-called music, choices available) but my funds are very tight, so I continue to learn, try and keep what pans out... Try something cheap like the MONOPRICE Integrated with Pre-outs - probably about $150 or so, and see if you like the flexibility/change...
OR GET A VINTAGE MORRISON ELAD - and find out what your system really sounds like with a "Straight Wire with Gain"...