Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?


I’ve seen some folks using Tube Preamps with Solid State Am ps. I’m thinking of doing that with my system as part of an incremental change. I currently have a Parasound P5 preamp with a Parasound A21 driving Klipsch Cornwall 4’s. Will a decent / good Tube Preamp really make a difference in my sound? I enjoy what I have now but really want to experience Tubes in my system. Thanks!
So you want to tailor (synonym: improve to your ear) your system's sound.
I have a tube/SS rig:  a vintage Parasound HCA-750A amp with adjustable volume controls on the rear (75w/CH 8 ohms) running thru a little gem of a line level preamp (3rd owner; which I have for over 10 years now; supposedly only 10 hand-made) by Dave Wolze, an electrical designer in Calif, back in the early 2000s (says his partner withdrew, and it crushed his dream of production; his phono preamp appears to have been highly regarded as a kit). Speakers are giant 2-way bookshelf (?) JBL (funky cabinet) L25 PRIMO - AND THEY ROCK WITH THIS COMBO (CD only,tighhntly...) AND CAN PLAY LOUD MAN!!! (example Bohemian Raposody - We Will Rock You)
I'd suggest that in looking for a tube pre - the complement of at least 2 -12AX7s and 2-EF86 tubes is a good start...
AS A COMPARISON:  My Main System is a relatively new MONOPRICE INTEGRATED TUBE AMP (using Pre-outs and Main-ins) with a vintage YAMAHA discontinued HTA-5550 ( 75w/ch 8 ohms) into what I consider a great pair of sleeper bookshelf speakers - KEF Q1s! 
I am an extremely cost conscious audiophile (if I say so myself) and find as much challenge in sound improvement by science (understanding) and experimentation as enjoying the listening experience ( including the plethora of music, or so-called music, choices available) but my funds are very tight, so I continue to learn, try and keep what pans out... Try something cheap like the MONOPRICE Integrated with Pre-outs - probably about $150 or so, and see if you like the flexibility/change...
OR GET A VINTAGE MORRISON ELAD - and find out what your system really sounds like with a "Straight Wire with Gain"...

If I had those speakers,I would go full tube. I run a tube pre and a high current solid state amp because  I own Magneplanars.You simply don't need much power at all to run Klipsch. There are probably tons of suggestions out there for great matches, and I wouldn't be surprised if many with that speaker run tube intergrated amps  with 10 watts, if not less. The quality of the amp and the tubes will be paramount, not the wattage.
Yesterday I went to a local dealer to hear the Primaluna Evo 400 integrated after reading many reviews on tube amps. I have never had nor heard an audio tube amp. Having played guitar for years, I had expected the difference in sound to be as noticeable with audio amps, and hear the three dimensional effect described and the same I hear with my guitar amps. Sadly I was not hearing anything g special whatsoever, it was just sound coming from the speakers. Not bad sound, but nothing special in any way, and certainly not a tube sound as I was expecting. So I asked to hear what else they had. Next was an Ocatve 70 series integrated. I did notice the soundstage seemed to come forward and create a bit of a wall at about the from of the speakers. I liked the difference over the Primaluna, but other than this, again, nothing special. Next they had the McIntosh MA352, a hybrid with tube preamp and solid state amp stage. This sounded much clearer, as if you removed a towel you had blanketed over the speakers with the previous amps, by comparison. There was a sense of greater power behind every note as well, and much lower background levels. I could hear much more detail than the all tube amps, and there was just no comparison. I was listening on a pair of stand mount Sonus Faders at the start, then another customer came that was wanting to hear the Klipsch Heresy IV. ( I preferred the Sonus Fabers and the other client did seem to like them as well) i had been listening to classic rock, and he asked for some Miles Davis. I noticed with the Mac that the highs were very forward on this piece, and when we listened with the Primaluna that was more balanced. The Mac does have an eq, though we did not adjust it to see the difference. The other client thought the Primaluna sounded special, which I at no point felt that way. Just goes to show that only your ears can tell you the story. I ordered the MA352 in the end, remembering the thoughts in this thread about tube preamps and ss amps. The Mac can later be used as just a preamp with other amps should I chose. One thing I know little about though, would nos tubes improve things in the preamp.
Hi John,Over the years, I've tried all sorts of systems, all tubes was very good, solid state was also very good. I think it depends on the quality of your equipment and your room and importantly on the music you enjoy. I don't think there is any one right way. Right now I use a solid state Amp, a McIntosh MC452 and a McIntosh tube pre C2600. Try what appeals to you, just be sure to buy from a dealer that has a good return policy.Enjoy the music.Joe
Yep. Excellent way to combine tube sound with solid state grunt and power. This is what I did. Vincent Audio tube preamp; Marantz mono blocks.